Food & Beverage Store Customer Satisfaction Survey
Food & Beverage Store Customer Satisfaction Survey

Welcome to ABC Cafe

We would greatly appreciate it if you participate in this simple survey to help steer the improvements at ABC Coffee.

Information obtained through the survey will only be used for reference purposes. No personal information will be released externally.

It will take a minute.

How likely are you to recommend ABC cafe to a friend or colleague?

How did you first visit ABC Coffee?

By chance, just passing by

Recommendation from a friend or acquaintance

Internet search

Blog or social media review

Review from newspaper, magazine or TV 

Advertisement from newspaper, magazine or TV 

Did you ever visit ABC cafe before?

Yes, I visited before

No, this is the first time

Please leave an honest response to the questions below

How was the taste (overall) at ABC cafe?

How was the employee friendliness at ABC cafe?

How clean was ABC cafe?

How was the cost at ABC cafe?

Lastly, please let us know a little bit about yourself. Personal information will only be used for statistical purposes.




Age group







70s or above

Do you intend to visit ABC cafe next time?

I will definitely visit again

I will consider it positively

I am not sure yet

I don't think I will visit

I will definitely not visit ever

Please feel free to leave any comments